Asia is the largest Continent of the World . whit an area of 17,176,102 Square miles (44,485,90Sq.Km)
it Covers abouts one thired of the Total Dry land of the World. its area amounts to 30 per cent of the total area of the world . in the west ,it exptends up to Ural mountains and in the South it is separated from the Continent of Africa . by the Red sea In the east , it borders the sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. Asia Contains World's Highest Point (Mount Everest) and the lowest Ponit (the Dead sea) Whit a Population Of 3,317 Million (61.2Per Cent of the World Population) It is the Most Populous Continent. Asia has Three main Population Groups: The Negroid, the Mongoloid and the Caucasoid . This Continent Has Been the Cradle of Almost All the Leading Religions Of the World Like Hinduism, Islam,Buddhism,Christianity, Jainism,Shintoism and Confucianism.
it Covers abouts one thired of the Total Dry land of the World. its area amounts to 30 per cent of the total area of the world . in the west ,it exptends up to Ural mountains and in the South it is separated from the Continent of Africa . by the Red sea In the east , it borders the sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. Asia Contains World's Highest Point (Mount Everest) and the lowest Ponit (the Dead sea) Whit a Population Of 3,317 Million (61.2Per Cent of the World Population) It is the Most Populous Continent. Asia has Three main Population Groups: The Negroid, the Mongoloid and the Caucasoid . This Continent Has Been the Cradle of Almost All the Leading Religions Of the World Like Hinduism, Islam,Buddhism,Christianity, Jainism,Shintoism and Confucianism.
I'm also live in Asia
Asian countries are developing
South east best for it
All Chinese product there
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